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Inspire and Educate! By Krazikas

Average Rating4.77
(based on 4021 reviews)

I aim to design inspiring, educational resources to appeal to students and teachers alike. If you buy a resource and are happy with it - leave a review and get a resource of your choice for free! Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and your chosen free resource (up to the value of your purchased resource).




I aim to design inspiring, educational resources to appeal to students and teachers alike. If you buy a resource and are happy with it - leave a review and get a resource of your choice for free! Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and your chosen free resource (up to the value of your purchased resource).
World Oceans Day Puzzle Pack

World Oceans Day Puzzle Pack

This World Oceans Day puzzle pack contains a set of 8 differentiated word searches and anagrams on the theme of the oceans. It includes three word searches, four anagram puzzles and one crossword. It is an ideal resource for World Ocean Day. You may also be interested in: World Oceans Day Presentation This is a fully editable and informative 100-slide PowerPoint presentation on World Oceans Day which takes place on 8th June each year. The PowerPoint focuses on: The origin of World Ocean Day The aims of World Ocean Day The issues affecting the ocean and sea life - global warming, air pollution, plastic pollution and other ocean debris, overfishing, invasive species, destruction of mangroves and saltmarshes How we can help to improve our oceans The PowerPoint also contains links to a number of videos. Please note, the watermark on the preview images is not present on the resource itself. If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free. World Ocean Day Presentation and Follow Up Tasks Follow Up Tasks / Activities Presentation Reflection Activity Issues Impacting on Oceans Activity Ocean Research Task Quiz Preparation Activity Poster Design Task Personal Action Plan World Environment Day Presentation This is a fully editable, 60-slide PowerPoint presentation on World Environment Day which takes place annually on 5th June. Greta Thunberg Presentation Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
World Water Day 2024 Simple Text Presentation

World Water Day 2024 Simple Text Presentation

This resource contains an editable, 70-slide, simple text Powerpoint presentation on World Water Day which takes place on the 22nd of March each year. The PowerPoint focuses on: the origin of World Water Day the aims of World Water Day the importance of water for the planet, for humans and for all organisms the importance of water in agriculture and industry the World Water Day theme the issues affecting water - groundwater depletion, water contamination the effects of over exploitation of groundwater the global water crisis how we can help to address the issues affecting water The PowerPoint also contains links to several short videos: I am water, The journey of water, Why Water - Learn about the water crisis and how you can help, City of Corcoran is sinking because of ground water pumping, Our Water Sources and Types of Contamination, The Source - 13-year-old Selam’s story , balancing water demand for a growing world population. Please note, the watermark on the preview images is not present on the resource itself. If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free. A more detailed version of this resource (more appropriate for older pupils) is also available: World Water Day You may also be interested in: World Water Day - 50 Question Quiz Save money and buy both resources in a bundle at a discounted rate: World Water Day - Powerpoint and Quiz World Water Day Puzzle Pack The pack contains three differentiated word searches, four anagram puzzles and three crosswords. World Ocean Day - 90 Slide Presentation Earth Day - 100 Slide Presentation Earth Hour - 80 Slide Presentation World Environment Day - 70 Slide Presentation Greta Thunberg - 100 Slide Presentation Climate Change - 115 Slide Presentation David Attenborough - 90 Slide Presentation
Acts of Kindness

Acts of Kindness

5 Resources
This bundle on kindness contains: 100 Slide Presentation This is a poignant and thought-provoking PowerPoint presentation on kindness. The presentation includes: Josh de Jong's story Danny Boyle's story examples of kindness - Gandhi, Princess Diana Jonny Benjamin's story the physical and psychological benefits of being kind Set of 36 Kindness Posters The posters focus on: What altruism is Examples of kindness The physical benefits of performing acts of kindness Kindness is .... Short story about Mahatma Gandhi Motivational posters Set of 25 Quotes Posters This resource contains 25 inspirational quotes on kindness from many people - Princess Diana, Mahatma Gandhi, Mark Twain, Dalai Lama, Oscar Wilde, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Plato, Sir Winston Churchill, William Wordsworth, Jesse Jackson, Francis of Assisi, Confucius and Desmond Tutu. All these resources are suitable for use on Random Acts of Kindness Day on the 17th February in the UK, Random Acts of Kindness Week in the second week of February in the USA, on 1st September in New Zealand's Random Acts of Kindness Day and World Kindness Day on 13th November. In fact, they could be used any day! If you purchase this resource and are happy with it, please leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free. More Kindness Resources You may also be interested in: Twenty Assemblies / Presentations - Just £19.99 - Great For Last Minute Assemblies Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide


7 Resources
This bundle contains resources ideal for use during World Kindness Day, Random Acts of Kindness Days / Weeks and Anti-Bullying week. It contains: A 30-slide PowerPoint presentation A puzzle pack containing a set of differentiated word searches and anagrams An activity pack with kindness plans, kindness diaries, templates for poems and posters A set of 20 posters Click on the individual links for further details. If you purchase this resource and are happy with it, please leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free. More Kindness Resources You may also be interested in: Twenty Assemblies / Presentations - Just £9.99 - Great For Last Minute Assemblies Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Autism Awareness

Autism Awareness

3 Resources
This bundle contains a number of resources on autism awareness. It is an ideal resource for World Autism Day / Autism Awareness Week. Autism Awareness Presentation This resource contains an editable, simple text, 105 slide PowerPoint presentation that will help others to be more informed about, and more understanding of, autism. The presentation includes sections on: What is autism? Social Communication Difficulties Social Interaction Difficulties Rigid Thought Processes Sensory Issues Repetitions and Rituals. Obsessions Gifts and Talents Famous People With Autism / Asperger's. Autism Awareness Activity Pack This resource contains an autism awareness activity pack. The pack contains six activities: Sensory Sensitivity / Overload This activity begins with watching a short clip about sensory overload. There are two tasks that follow designed for pupils to experience sensory overload when attempting to complete tasks; one is more challenging than the other. Autism Discussion Cards These contain 4 statements about autism designed to provoke discussion and to get the pupils to think about and develop their awareness of autism. They are not true or false statements and there are no right or wrong answers. Communication Difficulties Exercise This is a task designed to simulate the difficulties that many people with autism encounter when trying to communicate. Pupils take part in an activity in which they have to think very carefully about the words they use and what they are saying. What is autism? How Can I Help? Pupils watch a video about autism in which a young man explains 5 things he thinks people need to know about autism and 5 things people can do to help people with autism. Pupils are asked to discuss the five things that the person felt people needed to know about autism and five ways that people can help. Pupils then complete a worksheet. Autism Acrostic Pupils complete an acrostic piece of writing using the word autism as a stimulus. Two acrostic autism posters are included to give the pupils some ideas. An autism acrostic template is also included. Set of 25 Autism Awareness Posters This resource contains a set of 25 thought-provoking posters that can be used for display or discussion purposes. If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free. For more inspiring educational resources visit Inspire and Educate Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

3 Resources
This bundle contains three Remembrance Day resources. 1. A fully editable and informative 80 slide PowerPoint presentation on Armistice Day/ Remembrance Day. 2. A two-minute silence slideshow containing powerful, poignant and carefully selected images for use during the two-minute Remembrance Day silence , beginning with the Last Post and ending with the Reveille. It is set to play automatically. 3. War poems and veteran interviews PowerPoint lesson resource providing insight into the lives, experiences and feelings of World War 1 soldiers. This resource contains a variety of reflective tasks linked to the PowerPoint resource. There are four worksheets and a copy of all the war poems in the PowerPoint. For more detailed information click on the individual resource links. If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free. Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Pi Day Bundle

Pi Day Bundle

8 Resources
This bundle contains seven educational and fun activities for Pi Day. Pi, the extra special (but rather irrational) number 3.14 ...... has its special day on March 14th. The resource will help you to plan and hold a Pi Day celebration for your subject, class, or school. The activities in this bundle will enrich and deepen pupils' understanding of pi. The bundle contains activity sheets that can be laminated and planning sheets/worksheets for carrying out the tasks and activities. The bundle includes: - Pi Day Presentation - Pi Rap - Pi Dance - Pi Apple Pie Recipe - Pi Decorations - Pi Poems/ Piems - Circumference and Area of Circle Worksheets - Pi Mnemonic Posters - Pi Music - Pi Dingbat Quiz - Pi Interactive PowerPoint Battleships Game - Pi Battleships Partner Game - Differentiated Word Searches and Anagrams - Mnemonic Pi Posters - Cutting Pi - A Practical Investigation - Measuring and Calculating Hat Size Click on the individual links for further details. If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free. For more inspiring educational resources visit Inspire and Educate Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Black History Month

Black History Month

3 Resources
This is an ideal resource for Black History Month (African-American Month) that falls in October in the UK and February in the USA and will help students' Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development by learning about the history and heritage of communities and the lives of those that overcame the challenges they faced. The bundle includes: 1. A 60 slide PowerPoint presentation on the life of Martin Luther King Junior and his leading role in the civil rights movement. The PowerPoint contains hyperlinks to some of his famous speeches - I Have a Dream, The Mountaintop, The Drum Major. 2. A fully editable and informative 87 slide PowerPoint presentation on Black History Month. It contains references to the history of Black History Month, The Slave Trade, the abolition of slavery, the Civil Rights Movement and influential people in the civil rights movement. It also contains hyperlinks to Bob Marley's 'Buffalo Soldiers,' Martin Luther's 'I Have a Dream' speech, Nelson Mandela's story and an interview with Morgan Freeman explaining why he does not want a Black History Month. 3. An accompanying 50 question PowerPoint quiz on Black History Month - there are 3 multiple choice answers. The quiz can be administered in a variety of ways - to individuals or teams. Answers can be given either as you go through the quiz or at the end. An answer sheet is provided to record answers. Sample questions: Where can most black Americans trace back their original roots to? What was the name of the operation that helped slaves escape to the North of America? Who refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white passenger? If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free. More Black History Resources Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II

3 Resources
This resource contains a fully editable and informative, 120-slide PowerPoint presentation on Queen Elizabeth II who sadly died on the 8th of September 2022 at the age of 96. On the 7th of February, 2022 Queen Elizabeth celebrated her Platinum Jubilee marking a 70 year reign. This bundle contains resources about the life and work of the inspirational Queen Elizabeth II. The bundle contains: A fully editable, 120-slide PowerPoint presentation. Twelve information texts and comprehension questions about the life of Queen Elizabeth . A puzzle pack containing thirteen differentiated word searches, anagrams, crosswords and cryptograms. Click on the individual links for more details. If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free. You may also be interested in: Twenty Assemblies / Presentations - Just £19.99 This resource contains a variety of presentations suitable for assemblies throughout the year. Never be short of an assembly again! Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King

3 Resources
This bundle contains resources for Martin Luther King Day which takes place on the third Monday in January, around the time of Martin Luther King's birthday. It is also a useful resource for Black History Week. 1. PowerPoint Presentation This is a fully editable, 64 slide PowerPoint presentation on the life of Dr. Martin Luther King Junior, the famous civil rights leader. Contents include - his parents and family, schooling and education, his involvement and leadership in the civil rights movement leading campaigns and his significant impact upon civil right reforms. The PowerPoint also contains hyperlinks to some of his famous speeches - I Have a Dream, The Mountain Top and The Drum Major. There are also links to a short video presentation of his life and the hymn sung at his funeral. 2. A Set of 11 Texts and Comprehensions This resource contains a set of 11 comprehension questions on the life and achievements of civil rights leader, Martin Luther King. 3. A set of Martin Luther King Quotes Posters with a selection of background colours and fonts. These resources will help students' Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural (SMSC) development by learning about the history and heritage of communities and the lives of those that overcame the challenges they faced. If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free. More Black History Resources Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Leap Year

Leap Year

This is a fully editable and informative 35 slide PowerPoint presentation on leap years. The PowerPoint focuses on: leap years; what they are and why we have them (the Julian Calendar and the gregorian Calendar the scientific and historical background to leap years folklore and myths surrounding leap years interesting facts about leap year The presentation also includes a link to a short video explainng what a leap year is. If you purchase this resource and are happy with it, please leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free. You may also be interested in: Twenty Assemblies / Presentations - Just £19.99 - Great For Last Minute Assemblies Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Albert Einstein - British Science Week

Albert Einstein - British Science Week

It is not only Pi Day on 14th March, it is also Albert Einstein’s birthday. Time Magazine selected Albert Einstein as “Person of the Century,” referring to him as “genius, political refugee, humanitarian, locksmith of the mysteries of the atom and the universe.” Einstein is not only known for his scientific theories and achievements but also for his thought-provoking, inspirational, and, often, humorous quotes on all aspects of life. The majority of these quotes have their sources in his many letters, speeches, diaries and interviews. This resource is also ideal for British Science Week. Please note that the watermark on the preview images is not present on the resource itself. If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free. More Inspirational Quotes Posters Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Wimbledon 2024

Wimbledon 2024

This resource contains a fully editable and informative 100-slide PowerPoint presentation on Wimbledon and tennis and a 50 question PowerPoint quiz. The PowerPoint focuses on the history of tennis and its growth and development, notable Wimbledon achievements, interesting Wimbledon facts and past and present players and their achievements. The PowerPoint also contains hyperlinks to one of Fred Perry’s Wimbledon wins, one of Andy Murray’s wins, one of Margaret Court’s wins, Virginia Wade’s win, Cliff Richard’s impromptu performance at Wimbledon when rain stopped play and a video of Wimbledon’s funniest moments through the years. The quiz contains 50 questions on Wimbledon and tennis. There are 3 possible answers. It can be administered in a variety of ways - to individuals or teams. The answers can be found by clicking on the ball image. Answers can be given either as you go through the quiz or at the end. A question and answer sheet are provided to allow individuals/teams to record their answers. Or these could be given to pupils for research. Sample questions: Which king had a tennis court built at Hampton Court in 1530? How many tennis tournaments are there in the Grand Slam? When did the Wimbledon Championships begin? What is the minimum number of games in a set? Who has won the most Ladies’ Singles at Wimbledon? What are the clubs colours? How many ball boys and ball girls are there at the Wimbledon tournament? Please note, the watermark on the preview images is not present on the resource itself. If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free. You may also be interested in: Wimbledon / Tennis Puzzle Pack - Searches and Anagrams Save money and buy the Wimbledon bundle at a discounted rate: Wimbledon Bundle Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
The UK General Election

The UK General Election

4 Resources
This bundle contains a set of four resources on UK General Elections, Parliament and Government. 1. A fully editable 60 slide PowerPoint presentation on UK general elections. 2. An informative 80 slide presentation on the UK parliament and government. 3. A 100 queston quiz on UK elections, parliament and government 4. A puzzle pack containing a set of differentiated word searches, anagrams and crosswords. If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free. Click on the individual links for further details. For more inspiring educational resources visit Inspire and Educate Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Government and Parliament

Government and Parliament

This resource contains a simple text, 65-slide PowerPoint presentation on the UK Parliament and Government. It focuses on: The House of Commons The House of Lords The Monarchy The Role of Parliament The Government Law Making The end of the PowerPoint contains question slides to check pupils’ understanding. The PowerPoint contains hyperlinks to five short videos on Elections, Parliament, the House of Commons, the House of Lords, lawmaking. UK General Elections Presentation Mock Election Pack General Election Puzzle Pack UK Parliament, Government, Election 100 Question Quiz Please note, the watermark on the preview images is not present on the resource itself. If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free. For more inspiring educational resources visit Inspire and Educate Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Book Day

Book Day

This resource is a fully-editable, 100 question PowerPoint quiz on books, poems and authors. It is an ideal resource for Book Day and can be used with a tutor group or in an assembly. The quiz contains 100 questions with multiple choice answers, with varying degrees of challenge. It has nine categories. Classic Books Harry Potter Opening and Closing Lines David Walliams Authors Michael Morpurgo Poems Diaries Miscellaneous The quiz can be administered in a variety of ways - to individuals or teams. The answers can be found by clicking on the book image on the bottom right-hand corner of each slide. Answers can be given either as you go through the quiz or at the end. An answer sheet is included to allow individuals/teams to record their answers. Sample questions: Prospero, Miranda, Ariel and Caliban are all characters from which Shakespeare play? What is the second book of the old testament called? What is the most widely distributed, most translated and best-selling book of all time? In Charlotte’s Web, what is the name of the pig that Charlotte becomes friends with? What is the name of the lion in The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe? What name is given to the deadly phantoms that guard Azkaban Prison? Who is Joe’s best friend in David Walliams Billionaire Boy? In Michael Morpurgo’s Private Peaceful, what is Private Peaceful’s first name? How many players are there in each team in a game of Quidditch? Who wrote the poem Jabberwocky? Please note, the watermark on the preview images is not present on the resource itself. If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free. You may also be interested in: 108 Question Paper-Based Quiz Book Day Reading / Book Quotes Posters Save money and buy all three resources at a discounted rate: Book Day Bundle Thinking of publishing your own resources? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
UK Parliament and Government

UK Parliament and Government

This resource contains an informative 80-slide PowerPoint presentation on the UK Parliament and Government. It focuses on The Three Parts of Parliament The House of Commons, the House of Lords and the Monarchy The Role of Parliament The Government Law Making The end of the PowerPoint contains question slides to check pupils' understanding. The PowerPoint contains hyperlinks to five short videos on Elections, Parliament, the House of Commons, the House of Lords and lawmaking. Please note that the watermark on the preview images is not present on the resource itself. If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free. You may also be interested in: Mock Election Pack Brexit – The Triggering of Article 50 For more inspiring educational resources visit Inspire and Educate Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Wimbledon 2024

Wimbledon 2024

3 Resources
This resource contains a fully editable and informative 100-slide PowerPoint presentation on Wimbledon, a 50-question PowerPoint quiz and a puzzle pack containing 10 differentiated tennis-themed word searches, anagrams and crosswords. The PowerPoint presentation focuses on the history of tennis and its growth and development, notable Wimbledon achievements, interesting Wimbledon facts and past and present players and their achievements. The PowerPoint quiz contains 50 questions PowerPoint about Wimbledon and tennis. There are 3 possible answers. It can be administered in a variety of ways - to individuals or teams. The answers can be found by clicking on the ball image. Answers can be given either as you go through the quiz or at the end. A question and answer sheet are provided to allow individuals/teams to record their answers. Sample questions Which king had a tennis court built at Hampton Court in 1530? How many tennis tournaments are there in the Grand Slam? When did the Wimbledon Championships begin? What is the minimum number of games in a set? Who has won the most Ladies' Singles at Wimbledon? What are the club's colours? How many ball boys and ball girls are there at the Wimbledon tournament? If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free. Thinking of publishing your own resources or already an author and want to improve your resources and sales? Check out this step-by-step guide: How to Become a Successful TES Author: Step-by-Step Guide
Nelson Mandela

Nelson Mandela

This resource contains a 50-question PowerPoint quiz on Nelson Mandela, the inspirational anti-apartheid leader and activist. The quiz can be administered in a variety of ways - to individuals or teams. The answers can be found by clicking on the image on the bottom right-hand corner of each slide. Answers can be given either as you go through the quiz or at the end. An answer sheet is provided to allow individuals/teams to record their answers. It is an ideal resource for Nelson Mandela Day which is celebrated on his birthday, the 18th of July. It is also suitable for Black History Month (African-American Month) which takes place in October in the UK and February in the USA. Please note that the watermark on the preview images is not present on the resource itself. If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free. You may also be interested in: Nelson Mandela Presentation Save money and buy both resources in a bundle at a discounted rate: Nelson Mandela Presentation and Quiz Nelson Mandela Booklet and Workbook Nelson Mandela Set of 30 Quotes Posters Nelson Mandela Puzzle Pack - Set of 8 Differentiated Word Searches, Anagram Puzzles, Crosswords Buy Nelson Mandela resources in a bundle and make a massive saving: Nelson Mandela Big Bundle Nelson Mandela Bumper Bundle Desmond Tutu Presentation Martin Luther King Presentation Rosa Parks Presentation Black History Month Presentation More Black History Resources
Bastille Day Quiz

Bastille Day Quiz

This resource contains a 40-question PowerPoint quiz on Bastille Day ( La Fête Nationale) and the French Revolution. Bastille Day is France's National Day and takes place on the 14th of July. The quiz can be used for individuals or teams. There is a sheet for individuals/teams to record answers. The answers to the questions can be found by clicking on the flag image on the bottom right-hand corner of each slide. There are three possible answers provided. Sample questions include: On what date is Bastille Day? What is Bastille Day known as in France? In what year did the storming of the Bastille take place? What was the Bastille? Who was King Louis XVI’s wife? Please note that the watermark on the preview images is not present on the resource itself. The resource can be found in the zip file when you download it. If you buy this resource and are pleased with your purchase, I would be extremely grateful if you could leave a review. As a token of appreciation, you can have a free resource of your choice up to the same value as your purchased resource. Just email inspireandeducate@aol.co.uk with your user name, the resource you have reviewed and the resource you would like for free. You may also be interested in: Bastille Day Presentation This resource contains a fully editable and informative 60-slide PowerPoint presentation on Bastille Day and the French Revolution. It also contains three hyperlinks to the French National anthem, an animated video of the history of Bastille Day and Bastille Day celebrations in Paris. Bastille Day Puzzle Pack- Differentiated Word Searches, Anagrams and Crosswords The puzzle pack contains a set of ten differentiated word searches, anagram puzzles and crosswords on words and vocabulary connected with the French Revolution and Bastille Day/La Fête Nationale which takes place on the 14th of July. The pack includes three word searches, four anagram puzzles and three crosswords. Save money and buy all three resources in a bundle at a discounted rate: Bastille Day Bundle